Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cultural Makeup Of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cultural Makeup Of China - Essay Example It is essential to outline that there is a significant set of cultural features affecting the business behavior in China. China has a record population of more than 1.3 billion citizens (Fabbi 8). Due to hardworking nature of the Chinese society, a large portion of their population is involved the daily business operations. Based on this, Chinese have been putting most their cultural business practices into use. In addition, fifty-six (56) ethnic groups are officially recognized in the country. These ethnic groups include the Han and Zhuang. The Chinese culture and civilization has been influenced by three main religious movements, which are Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. In this sense, China’s prominent religions thus include Islam, Christianity and Buddhism (Alon 24). The country’s demographic values reveal that about 10% of China’s population lives on $1 a day (Fabbi 30). This small value has resulted into most Chinese doing their best to excel in business. 91.51% of the Chinese people belong to the Han ethnic group (Fabbi 12). Of the remaining 55 ethnic groups, only one has a population of over of 1%. This is the Zhuang ethnic group. In essence, the Han ethnic group creates the largest business oriented population in the country. In terms of religion, 2% of the country’s population is made up of Muslim while the Christian population stands between 3.2% and 5%. Additionally, Buddhism is practiced by 10% to 18% of the Chinese population. Lastly, 30% of the Chinese practice local folk religions. Since China is an atheist, it officially does not survey its people based on religion. On this regard, the Chinese culture does not consider religion to be of any effect on their respective business behaviors (Fabbi 128). The other sets of crucial Chinese cultural characteristics in business are about prosperous entertainment. A key part of China’s business culture is that evening banquets are

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